that I enjoyed them.
Ant Man and the Wasp- I was pleasantly surprised by the first Ant Man movie and I felt the sequel was even better. It's got the perfect balance of comedy, action, and special effects. I give it 7.6 stars.
A Quiet Place- I watched this on video and thought it was pretty good. I kept waiting for Jim Halpert to look at the camera and roll his eyes, but the aliens never said anything funny like Michael Scott. I felt it was pretty original and that helped hold my interest. It was a good family/horror movie if that makes sense. I give it 7.5 stars.
The Incredibles 2- I don't usually care for animated movies but I loved the first Incredibles movie. I have been waiting a long time for the sequel. I didn't feel it was quite as good as the first but it was still enjoyable. 7.4 stars,
Wonder- I was slow to getting around to seeing this movie, but I watched it with my family and enjoyed it. It has a good message and I liked how it showed the story from different family member's perspective. 7.3 stars
Solo- I wasn't sure about this one. I enjoy most of Ron Howard's films but was a little skeptical aobut how he'd do with a Star Wars prequel. I thought the actor who portrayed Han Solo did a good job. Overall the film was pretty good but for some reason it didn't really feel like a Star Wars movie. I give it 7.1 stars.
The Mountain Between Us- I saw this on the plane and was a little surprised that airlines even show movies about plane crashes to their passengers. I am a sucker for a survival story so I liked this. This is one of those movies where there are only a handful of characters but Idris Elba and Kate Winslet had good performances. 6.8 stars.
Tomb Raider- I feel bad for Alecia Vikander trying to live up to the prior hype of Angelina Jolie's tomb raider but she did okay. She came across as younger and more vulnerable than the first Laura Croft. The movie was not that great but I was entertained and give it 6.6 stars.
The 15:17 to Paris- I had seen that the critics has slaughtered this movie. I assumed it was due to Clint Eastwood's conservative stance but after watching this I have to admit it was nowhere near as good as any of the other films he has directed. I wanted to like this movie more but it was underwhelming and came off kind of stale. I give it a very generous 6.0 stars.